Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cockroach Fever

There is something really special about hearing a bunch of crazy street children sing praises to Jesus in a different language. It truly is a sweet sweet sound. My time with the neighborhood outreach has been incredible. Although language has been a barrier, it has only been a small one. Each day (Mon, Wed, Fri) these kids flood through the gate in pure excitement and for the next two hours I get to be apart of what I'm sure is the best parts of their week. I don't have to teach, I don't even need to talk, considering they have no idea what I'm saying, but we can play soccer, and swim, and sing songs, and swing, and as the girls continuously hug me and the little boys pretend to beat me up I surely hope they know how much I love them.

One girl specifically has really gotten a hold of my heart- Chakriya. She is so gorgeous and we have this bond that I know will last forever (I know for sure because she gave me a friendship bracelet haha). I can only pray that God watches over her and protects her from a world that knocks you down time after time, and brings her an incredible joy. I just found out that she is enrolled in Logos for this next year, what a miracle!

I've been lacking in updates so here are some slightly brief details on the last weekish...

So last week (7-9-12) started session two of summer school. I only started with nine kids and was definitely missing the rest of my class (I now have 15 kids so the class is feeling full and oh so lively once again)! Teaching, as well as life here in general, has become routine and its a good feeling to feel comfortable and confident when really I have no idea what I am doing.

At the beginning of this week I started not to feel too well but hoped that it would just pass with a good night's sleep, wrong! The whole week I felt so terrible, a sickness I really had never experienced before and it was hard to know what to do. Each day I told myself just get through the day, just get through the day!! One morning when I was trying to figure out how I was going to manage, one of my boy's popped into class early and brought me a pop-up picture that he created that read, "I hope you have a good day!" and that's exactly how I was going to manage for the day!
I had a lot of people looking out for me this week which really meant so much. My TA, Roth, offered to take me home one day instead of staying for the neighborhood outreach (first Moto experience) and then the next day Roth and Kosal took over the last hour of my class and I was able to go rest in the teacher's lounge. After a week of complete pain I was starting to feel better but at the same time a rash took over my body, haha. I was able to talk to an American nurse and she reassured that I wasn't dying of hand, foot, and mouth disease or dengue fever but it was probably just viral. By the end of that weekend I felt so much better, thank you for the prayers!!

I had an encounter with a cockroach! Squirmy thing tried to store away in my backpack at school, he didn't last too much longer. At home ANOTHER cockroach!! I guess they do exist, maybe not as ugly as I had imagined though.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katrina! It has been awhile, but I am catching up with your blogs! I knew you were sick and me and the girls were praying...
    God sure is giving you a lot of different kinds of experiences! You always find good in the difficulties! Love you!
