Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Orphanage!

We started volunteering at an orphanage called Asia's Hope about 2 weeks ago and oh my goodness its been wonderful! We went not necessarily planning to teach but hoped more to assist and just enjoy the kids; of course their plan was a little different than ours :) I walked into a class, the teacher looked at me and said, "You teach." I said, uhhh no, I think I'll just help but 2 minutes later I had some random book in my hand a red pen and about 13 first graders who speak little to no English staring at me. That first day I have no idea what happened! It was uphill from that day on thankfully (but just in case a code word was set in place).

These kids have won my heart over. I love that they are waiting with anticipation as we pull in. They absolutely adore the time we spend with them and so do I. There is not a moment while at that orphanage I don't have at least two kids hanging on me, holding my hand, or giving me sneak attack hugs! So stinkin' cute, even while teaching I need to remind them to sit down. They don't care that I'm a sweaty mess, they still share a love so strong that I need to pry it off as we leave.

One little girl this last Tuesday called me sister. Although I know it was her way of addressing me I couldn't help but think, yes we are sisters! Thank you Jesus for allowing me and this sweet, innocent, orphaned girl to forever be sisters in your name. How excited I am to one day meet up again in heaven, and there we can once again twirl, and dance, and experience a love so large.


  1. Hi, its amazing how God brings people to our lives and how we get attached to them. I was in the same place as you are right now, last year this time. Me and my team visited Hayley's House and that was a blessing to me. I know God is going to use you to bless those children and God will definitely change your life thru this trip. Have lots of fun in your trip.

  2. teach, speak, give, write, and live straight from your heart!! You are an inspiration to me! Love you!
